03/27/03 PC-ControLAB 3 Added Run:Continuous or Step to Inspect Block Outputs form. Modified Help and Tutorial to reflect the change above. Corrected bug in Parallel algorithm that crashed system if user went to Auto with 0.0 for Kp. Added "compile date" to About menu. 03/27/03 Builder Caused Listing to be generated without output values in cases where there was no convergence to proper output values. Prevented asking "Do you want to save ..." on exit, if there had been no changes. Provided a Cancel button, in addition to Yes and No, to "Do you want to save ..." message box. Added "compile date" to About menu (diagram diagram) 5/22/03 PC-ControLAB 3 Extended the scope of inaccessible tuning functions for the Demo version. Now, the only things that can be tuned from the Demo version TUNE dialog box are Display Gain or PB Display Min/Rpt or Rpt/Min Reset On or Off Sched tuning break points Sched tuning no of segments Sched tuning key variable selection. Corrected problem where Mod Smith Pred TUNE - Set up tab caused program crash. "Set Focus" to first parameter in all Model Based control strategy set up displays. Disabled Process Model Save and Save as functions in Demo Version 5/22/03 Builder Disabled File Save, File Save As, Print and Printer Setup Options for both Diagram and Listing displays, for the Demo Version. Bypassed message "Do you want to save ..." when selecting FILE OPEN or FILE NEW, for the Demo Version. Corrected problem which caused program crash in FILE OPEN in the Listing display. Eliminated Block Initialize sub-routine for Listing Display. Now both Diagram and Listing displays call the same Block Initialize subroutine on FILE NEW and FILE OPEN. 5/22/03. Process Models Corrected stored names for process models TEMP, TEMP1, PRESSUR1 and RATIOFLO so as to be the same as the File Name. 8/01/03 PC-ControLAB Added "conditional initialization" feature to Cascade loop so that when Seconodary Controller output reaches a limit, the Primary Controller does not wind up. Modified PC-ControLAB HELP file to reflect this. Corrected problem which prevented ITAE, ITSE and ISE performance criteria to be selected. 8/01/03 Builder Added Calculation Dialog box for Characterizer block. (This had not been ported from an earlier release.) Modified Builder HELP file to reflect this. 8/13/03 Builder Enhanced Characterizer block calculation dialog box to (1) permit "point and click" changing or adding points and (2) to display actual output values corresponding to 0, 33.33, 66,67 and 100.00 input values when dialog box is initially displayed. 8/21/03 PC-ControLAB Corrected bug in "conditional initialization" feature of Cascade strategy which prevented set point changes for primary controller. 9/01/03 PC-ControLAB Corrected a bug in the Override strategy which caused the controllers to revert to "use ERF" whenever the Control Options display was called. 9/22/03 PC-ControLAB Corrected a bug which caused selected controller label (2 FP strategies only) to be displayed incorrectly when switching between minutes and seconds for horizontal scale. 10/14/03 Builder Heater Process Model. Revised so that Load 2 is "fuel gas Pressure", not "heater inlet temp". Made "heater inlet temp" an accessible parameter through "change parameters' 10/14/03 Installation program. Now sets all process model files and strategy-tuning files to "Read Only." 10/31/03 Made "Student Version" for OK State U students 2/04/04 Modified pressur1.mdl to make it start in steady state. Made corresponding modifications to Laboratory Exercise #6. 2/10/04 Modified Generic3.mdl, Sect 4 of Laboratory Exercise #1 and Answer Key #1 to be compatible. Added "where used" cross reference to "About the Pre-Defined Process Models." 2/21/04. PC-ControLAB. Corrected bug affecting availability, display and retention of DerivGain values. Corrected typographical error in Answer Key 1, Laborator Exercises 8, 9, 11, 12 and 23, and About the Process Models. 3/03/04 Builder. Corrected bug (made variables dbl prec) in 2nd order lag block that prevented it from calculating output correctly when display on seconds range. Added PV-3 (signal) to valve.mdl. Made revisions to Lab Exer #3, including figure. 3/10/04 Key protected version. Corrected compatibility problem when using upgraded keys PC-ControLAB 2. 3/12/04. Corrected bug in Forward Decoupling control strategy that prevented changes to controller output in the manual mode. 3/28/04. Correct bug in Forward decoupling control strategy that used incorrect dead time tables for decoupler elements. 4/25/04. Modified installation program to correctly handle .GID files. This was causing a problem accessing HELP files on first running of program on some computers. 4/30/04. Corrected problem that could cause arrow pointers to disappear. (PC-ControLAB). Corrected bug that could cause MPC-ControLAB to crash, right after retrieving responses. Corrected problem that could cause incorrect control element colors on some computers (MPC-ControLAB) Rebuilt Installation program to correctly define icons for Start Menu Startup Folder. 5/08/04 Modified BlockInspect form to make persistent, and to allow stepping each calculation cycle 5/22/04 Re-added MPC-ControLAB. Revised Lab Exer 24 Added code to make PC-ControLAB 3 terminate Builder, when PC-ControLAB terminates. Added Generic2.dsg to installation. 9/20/2004. Added On-Off annd Time-Proportioning control strategies. Modified HELP screens to incorporate these. 10/24/2004. "Recalibrated" Set Point pointer for various screen resolutions. 12/02/2004. Again recalibrated set point pointer for various screen resolutions. Previous recalibration was not good for some notebook computers. 2/24/05. Logging now permits logging of up to 4 PVs for any control strategy. Corrected typo in Lab Exercise 17 - now refers to Lab Exercise 16, not 10. Corrected problem in Builder which did not properly save conpatible control strategies (problem was introduced 9/20/2004 when on-off and time-prop control strategies were added. Corrected display ranging (configuration) problem on Heater proc model which prevented use of scheduled tuning. Added scheduled tuning setup to Feedfwd-Add model-strategy-tuning, but left "scheduled tuning" in the OFF state. 3/29/05. Widened Deriv Gain limits from 1.0-100.0 to 1.0 to 1000.0. Corrected Tune display Options tab when used with Parallel PID. 6/06/05. Removed references to Threed32.ocx. 7/05/2005. Recompiled after installing VB6 Service Pack 6. Removed MSVCRT40.DLL, MSV40.DLL and MSVCIRT.DLL from installation program. 7/27/2005. Modified VIEW > SCREEN SIZE to retain plotted data on a screen size change. Modified Generic.mdl to include a valve and valve actuator functiton blocks. Modified Level.mdl and Level2.mdl to include function blocks which show level range - visible from PC-ControLAB. 1/08/2006. Revised all Lab Exercises, primarily to eliminate typo errors. Revised Forward Decoupling program action so as to make bumpless transfer when both decouplers are active. Added AutoRun program. 2/08/2006. PC-ControLAB: Corrected situation where clearing an "Invalid Entry" in CONTROL | INSPECT OUTPUTS would not release computer. BUILDER: Made Listings form more readable. 2/13/06. PC-ControLAB: Separated View | Scroll/Calculation Time Step into two menu items. Scroll Rate and Calculation Time Step. Selection of Scroll Rate displays a scroll rate adjustment slider. scroll rate. 9/30/2006. Modifiec and corrected PC-ControLAB 3, MPC-Lab and Get Host to eliminate problems with network key protection. 12/07/2006. Corrected a problem in PC-ControLAB 3 wherein if a change to botn tuning parameters and the set point are made while the simulation is in the PAUSE mode, upon return to the RUN mode, the Proportional "kick" was eliminated. The solution was to add a one-cycle delay after returning to the RUN mode before the new SP becomes effective. Ths prevents both the bumpless tuning and SP change from being processed on the first cycle after returning to RUN. 2/08/2007. MPC-ControLAB. Made to show Task Bar when minimized. Modified enable/disable status of AUTO button to be enabled only when it is appropriate to do so. 7/14/2007. Added option to change integral tuning parameter from Ki to Ti in Parallel feedback control algorithm. Corrected typographical errors in several Lab Exercises and Answer Keys.